Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Ellen Willis Dictionary (contd)

Further to my previous post, I have continued reading my way through Ellen Willis's New Yorker "Rock, Etc" columns. In 1972 she used the term "punkiness". Which, while not as surprising as the appearance of "post-rock", is still curious. I know that "punk" was used, at least in the sense of "hoodlum", earlier than this. But at what point it was transposed to the world of music I have no idea. Pre-"punk", undoubtedly. Did McLaren call the Pistols "punk rock" or did the media give them that tag? I should probably know this.

Also, dig the following ad copy from 1974:
Head brings out the best in Julie Heldman.

Let Head bring out the best in you.
Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.